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for artists

In the vibrant rhythm of movement and the poetry of motion, we, the collaborators of knonameartist, embark on a journey to transcend boundaries and weave tales that resonate with our collective identity.

Rooted in the belief that art is a perpetual work in progress, we celebrate the beauty of evolution and the transformative power of our combined creativity.

knonameartist aims to create a unified space for an evolving community of artists to create without boundaries.


the mission

kNoname Artist is rooted in using dance as a form of protest, healing, and
representation. We use art as a means to challenge societal norms and push
against the rigid standards that often exclude artists based on race, gender, or
body type. We create evocative stories through movement—raw, percussive, and
fluid—interwoven with dialogue and humor to ignite meaningful conversations.

The vision of kNoname Artist is to continuously evolve, blending dynamicmovement, music, and immersive environments to create experiential works thatexplore themes of queerness, Blackness, and human rights. Our vision is toprovide a platform for marginalized voices and foster inclusivity, bridgingdiverse narratives to celebrate identity, resilience, and equality.

We, the collaborators of knonameartist, embark on a journey to transcend boundaries and weave tales that resonate with our collective creative identity.

the collaborators

In the vibrant rhythm of movement and the poetry of motion,

we the collaborators of knonameartist, embark on a journey

to transcend boundaries and weave tales

that resonate with our collective identity.

Rooted in the belief that art is a perpetual work in progress,

we celebrate the beauty of evolution

and the transformative power of our combined creativity.

collective identity

shared movement

combined creativity



Recipient of the 2024 inaugural

Jacob’s Pillow Men Dancers Award

Recipient of the 2024

Princess Grace Award for Choregraphy

featured works

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